Additional Roles Team

An introduction to our Additional Roles team and what they do.


Clinical Pharmacists

Clinical Pharmacists are used for the provision of specialist medication and lifestyle advice. Clinical Pharmacists will be able to perform medication reviews and advise of any changes needed to your prescription. They may also be involved in monitoring your long-term illness.

Pharmacy Technicians

Pharmacy Technicians undertake specific projects to promote the safety and quality of prescribing across the PCN. They will contact patients to carry out checks and offer advice and guidance on matters concerning medications.

Care Coordinators

Care co-ordinators help to co-ordinate and navigate care across the health and care system, helping people make the right connections, with the right teams at the right time. They can support people to become more active in their own health and care and are skilled in assessing people’s changing needs.

Physician Associates

Physician Associates support the doctors in the diagnosis and management of patients. To achieve this, they will perform medical examinations, order tests, help patients manage long-term conditions using management plans, provide help and advice on achieving a healthy lifestyle and diagnose under the guidance of a GP.